Another update from the parish. At this time of uncertainty and isolation communication is so vital. I want to update you on a few things and tell you about our plans to celebrate Holy Week and Easter. Of course, it will have to be different from usual as we travel with Jesus into Jerusalem to the cross and resurrection.
The video which you can access following this link gives some context and particularly about Palm Sunday. Please do watch and share it. It is on our POTR Youtube Channel and on our parish website.
This Sunday is Palm Sunday – pick some greenery from your garden or draw some palm branches and put them on your front door or front gate with a Hosanna message. Let people know that the King is coming into town! We have advertised this on Facebook and Twitter.
We continue with Morning Prayer, don’t forget to join us. Each day of Holy Week there will be Morning Prayer on Facebook Live at 9am led by different members of The Ministry Team.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will also lead Compline again on Facebook Live at 8pm. These are both good ways to begin the story of Holy Week.
We have ideas for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday which The Ministry are putting the finishing touches to and will share with you over this coming weekend. Look out for more communication.
We had a very successful if not noisy Coffee Morning on Zoom this week. There will be another one on Tuesday between 10am and 11am. The details you need are here. Please do join us.
Topic: Parish of the Resurrection Coffee Morning
Time: Apr 7, 2020 10:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 448 093 132
Ensure you Zoom downloaded on your computer/tablet or phone and then simply click the link ensuring that your camera and microphone are enabled.
Although we need to have consideration for our physical health at this time – we are social distancing ourselves with the 2 metre rule and abiding by the restrictions that are in place – we also must look after our mental health. The Church of England have produced two very good documents. The first is ‘Five Top Tip – Dealing with loneliness and Isolation‘ and the second is ‘Supporting Good Mental Health‘ which has some useful reflections. I encourage you to read and use them.
I have a lot of copies of the Easter Hope Magazines similar to the ones we have given out in previous years. They are in boxes in the passageway at St Lawrence Vicarage and Gordon has some at the Holybourne Vicarage too. If you feel able to collect some on your daily exercise outing and wish to deliver them to your local road or elsewhere then do take some. Please only do this if you are comfortable in the present circumstances. I have taken Public Health advice and wash your hands with soap before and after delivery! I will put a clipboard list out with the magazines if you would write where you are going to deliver, that would be helpful.
We may be separated and socially isolated but we are still the Body of Christ, the Church. When Jesus was with the disciples in Caesarea Philippi there was that wonderful conversation after Jesus asks “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” and then “but who do you say that I am?” Peter answers enthusiastically “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” Then Jesus declares that on this rock the church will be built and emphatically says “and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”
We are the church. We stay together, we proclaim together, we journey together however we find ourselves. Whatever the world has thrown at it over the centuries we are still here. The Rock is strong – the Rock is Jesus, the Son of the Living God. Over these next days we will follow Jesus through the highs and lows of his time in Jerusalem and we come out with victory declaring “Alleluia, Christ is risen!” He has the victory.
Again with my love and prayers