Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility but it is overseen here by:
Revd Andrew Micklefield, Vicar – contactable on 01420 88794 or
Mrs Sally Kemp, Parish Safeguarding Officer 07944 587597 or
Serious Safeguarding matters will be forwarded to the Diocesan Safeguarding Office (or the police if immediate action is required) and we will follow the advice given.
You can also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Jackie Rowlands 01962 737317
Reporting a Safeguarding Concern
If you are concerned that a child or an adult is, or may be, at risk of abuse this should be reported immediately (and certainly within 24 hours) to one of the Parish Safeguarding Officer or the clergy listed above.
If it is a non-emergency situation you can report this either in person to one of the Safeguarding Officers or by telephone, and they will then contact the Diocese Safeguarding Officer and ensure that we respond appropriately. We will do everything we can to support the person at risk.
If it is an Emergency situation, and you believe the child or adult is in immediate danger of significant harm, then you should call 999 before reporting it to one of the Safeguarding Officers.
Support Helplines
If you wish to speak with someone outside the church the following helplines will be of assistance.
∙ NSPCC for adults concerned about a child – 0808 800 5000
∙ Childline for children and young people – 0800 1111
∙ Action on Elder Abuse helpline – 0808 808 8141
∙ 24-hour National Domestic Violence helpline – 0808 2000 247
∙ NAPAC offer support and advice to adult survivors of childhood abuse – 08088010331
∙ Stop It Now preventing child sexual abuse – 0808 1000 900
∙ Cruse bereavement helpline – 0808 808 1677
∙ Family Lives support and advice on family issues – 0808 800 222
∙ MACSAS for people who have been abused by church officers – 0808 801 0340
∙ Samaritans for people struggling to cope and needing someone to talk to – 116 123
Here are the Parish Policies and other supporting documents which have been agreed by the PCC.
Parish Safeguarding Handbook October 2018
POTR – Safeguarding Policy November 2021
POTR – Parish Child Protection Policy – March 2021
POTR -Policy Statement on recruitment of ex offenders – November 2021
POTR – Parish Statement on Domestic Abuse – November 2021
POTR – Safeguarding Officer Role Description 2021
Communication Policy for Youth MInistry