The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called the church to prayer during the period between Ascension Day and Pentectost – it is called ‘Thy Kingdom Come’. The emphasis of our praying is that God’s kingdom may come and that friends, family and neighbours may come to know Jesus. This is an important call and we are joining in alongside the other churches of Alton and its surrounding area. To this end there is a list of praying opportunities available in a separate booklet available in our churches. Please would you commit to attending some. The booklet can be read here Thy Kingdom Come – FINAL
We will have other resources to give out to help your prayers during this period nearer the time. We kick off Thy Kingdom Come with an ecumenical Ascension Day Service on Thursday 25th May, 7.30pm in St Lawrence Church and it ends with a Beacon Event in Winchester Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday evening at which Archbishop Justin Welby is speaking. You need a ticket to come to this. We have some available but you might, in the first instance, try booking at