Teach them to your children, talking about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Deuteronomy 11:19
Becoming a grandparent is something tremendously special and I, for one, was completely unprepared for the out-pouring of love that I felt towards our first grandchild. Of course the experience of grand parenting is very varied, ranging from a full involvement in child care to a distant relationship conducted over skype, and everything in between. General opinion supports the value of these relationships suggesting that grandparents have a vital role to play in passing on traditions and values. One recent study even suggests that grandmas and grandpas can be even more influential and provide stability when young people are testing the limits of their own parents.
However, the ‘art’ of grand parenting can also sometimes feel like walking through a minefield. When to speak out and when to hold silence. When to give chocolate and when not to say’ ‘Mummy says that you shouldn’t do that.’ When to share your experience and when to accept that things have changed since your time as a parent. These are just a few of the dilemmas that we face.
In addition, as Christians, we might feel a responsibility and a genuine desire to talk about and share our faith with this new and precious generation. It is this that we hope to address as we invite you to come and explore with us ways of sharing your experience of your life and faith with your grandchildren.
We are planning four sessions on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November between 13.45 and 14.45 in the Parish Centre. The sessions will begin with a short time of inter-generational worship (as we anticipate that there may be some little ones present). We will then look a short passage of scripture before sharing ideas of how to put thoughts into action. A key part of the sessions will involve craft work where we will each aim to make a simple advent calendar (only five windows) for our grandchildren. Hopefully these will act as prompts and discussion starters to talk about our life and faith journeys.
If you are interested in coming along on the 8th November or if you want to discuss this further please contact Joy Windsor revjoywindsor@gmail.com or Lynn Power revlynnpower@outlook.com We would be delighted to hear from you.
With every blessing, Lynn and Joy.