Posts by Admin (Page 5)
Volunteers needed for youth activities
We have some really successful children’s groups in the parish all wonderfully led by Martha, our Children, youth and family worker. But in order for Martha to run these club she needs volunteers to help her. It’s really fun, not hard work and would be really appreciated. Volunteer for Glow Childrens group for years 3-6, held in St Ls church on Thursdays from 3:15-5pm Volunteers would help to make drinks and toast, join in with bible discussion and group discussion, …
ACAN Exhibition – Listen to the children Monday 30th January to 9th February
ACAN EXHIBITION – LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN – hosted in St Lawrence Church Monday 30th January to February 9th If Nature runs out we’ll have none to show and pass down to future generations – imagine a world without wonder! What are the worries of our local children regarding the Climate & Nature Emergency, what do they ask of us and how can we help them – and ourselves! – be agents of positive change.

Youth Weekend away to the Isle of Wight – this February! Sign up now
We are really excited to be running this event again. It has been so much fun in previous years and we’d love your teenager to join us! COGS, POTR, More to Life and BenBinFro are joining forces to organise a fun-filled weekend away to the Isle of Wight. This is an annual tradition where we go away together , have some fun and make life-long friends and memories. DateDate 11th – 13th February 2023 Cost – £120 Payment – Please…
Tuesday 10th January Alpha Evening at Alton Community Centre – Everyone is welcome
New course starting on 10th January 2023. Come and find out more about what an Aplha course involves. Free of charge and no pressure to join. Please email if you would like to come along.
Fruit Trees – a message from Eco Church
A fruit tree in every garden! This year ACAN and ALFI are joining PeCAN’s highly successful “A fruit tree in every garden” project. You can buy up to 5 fruit trees per household for £15 each – HALF the usual retail price. Trees available include apple, pear, plum, cherry and ornamental cherry. There are 400 trees available to buy, on a first come first served basis. Order online here and pick up your tree on Saturday 17th December,…
Anna Chaplaincy Christmas Event 28th November 2pm-4pm
The Anna Chaplaincy invite you to their Christmas event. There will be craft stalls, hand massage, contemplation space, a short talk and afternoon tea.
Eco Church Events Coming up and updates!
Bulb planting at the east end of St Lawrence churchyard will take place on Saturday 29th October from 9.30 to 11.00. Please bring a trowel, small bulbs if you have some spare – refreshments will be available. A Greener Christmas – the Eco Church Team is running this event on 5th November in the Galilee Chapel from 2pm to 4pm. It will include ideas & demonstrations on how to have a more environmentally friendly Christmas – things such as gifting…

Parish Conversation – Service Pattern Review
Service Pattern Review Following the Parish Conversation on Thursday, the PCC will be considering all responses to the service pattern review on October 11th. If you have not responded & would like to do so, please contact your PCC representative by October 7th : St Peter’s – Sarah Neish, Holy Rood – Lisa Hillan, All Saints – Angie Briggs & St Lawrence – Robin Kemp. A copy of the summary of responses received to date is available here and paper copies…

Parish Gathering Postponed
Unfortunately we have decided to postpone our Parish Gathering which would have been held this Saturday, to a new date. We are really looking forward to all gathering as a parish very soon…..Watch this space…..

Congratulations to Wendy
On Saturday 2nd July Revd Wendy Burnhams was ordained priest at WInchester Cathedral and here is a picture to prove it. (Thank you to Ruth Randall fopr this wonderful picture) We are rightly delighted that God has called Wendy to her ministry among us and we do everything we can to support and encourage her.
Environmental Footprint Calculator – message from the Eco Church Team
One of the main aspects of an Eco-church approach is that we – both as a church and as individuals – should work to ‘tread lightly on the Earth’. The World Wildlife Fund have introduced an Environmental Footprint Calculator. Please follow this link to find out more. Environmental Footprint Calculator

Alton Deanery’s Overseas Link serving the Church of Uganda in Karamoja – May Update
We have been sent an update from our link in Karamoja. It is really encouraging to hear how the students have been coping and progressing. There have been many hardships but also rewarding times. Please take a read of their summarised report. Theey still require our continued prayer and support. Update from Karamoja May 22 These chairs are part of a Furniture Project the students have been working on