Everyone is invited to come along to the Jolly Farmer, Blacknest, for an evening of chat and skittles.
Please make a note in your diary – Saturday 9th November 6pm – 10pm
The cost is just £13.50 per head, and that includes a choice of a basket meal – Battered cod, Wholetail scampi, Pork and chorizo burger, Falafel & spinach burger (v), all served with chips; or Jacket potato with cheese and baked beans and a mixed salad.
Numbers are limited to 30 so it’s first come, first served!
If you would like to attend please add your name and meal choice to the list in the church, as soon as you can.
PAYMENT ON THE NIGHT, PLEASE! If transport is a problem, please contact Tim Codling 80388. Look forward to seeing you there!