Sunday 29th March is Passion Sunday, which means we are getting towards the end of Lent and only a week away from beginning Holy Week and the celebration of Easter. It is going to be really very strange to be remembering Jesus’ passion and the whole of the Easter story without being in church together. We will find lots of ways of keeping us all together spiritually – watch this space!
Revd Gordon Randall, our Associate Vicar offers a reflection for today on our Youtube channel. Please watch him and his cat Skank by using this link
This will be live from early morning.
Here is the worship resource for this Sunday from The Methodist Church. I think these are really good and useful – do give it a go at some point during the day.
You can watch live streaming from various places. How about going to one of these – there are loads to choose from.
Some of our families will be missing Teddies Toddler Group so Lynn Power has recorded a short session for you to listen to. Also there are some photos to go with it. The recording is here:
A picture of Lynn with a chick to go with the recording
If you follow the story and create a picture why not share them with us on our Facebook or Twitter pages.
For some families and maybe others there are some very good daily resources which you can use on Engage Worship
If you do any of these we would love to hear about them or even see them – again why not post on our Parish of the Resurrection Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account.
Lots of information – I do hope you are able to keep up. A few last things.
Every morning at 9am starting tomorrow members of The Ministry Team will be leading Morning Prayer on Facebook Live. Do join us if you can and know how. It is simply being on Facebook at 9am and be a friend of The Parish of The Resurrection.
Zoom coffee morning on Tuesday between 10am and 11.30am – make yourself a cuppa and come along.
I am finding the psalms a real encouragement and help at the moment. Psalm 46 begins with these words ‘God is our strength and refuge, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear…’ and comes to its conclusion with ‘Be still, and know that I am God!..The Lord of Hosts is with us’ We are called as the people of God to continue to find Him in all that goes on around us because He is our steadfast rock and help in all things. Sometimes to believe this we need to take time to be still – we have more time to do this at the moment. But not just idle stillness but a stillness that let’s God in and for him to speak. The Holy Spirit of God finds all sorts of ways to remind us and encourage us that we God’s beloved children – ‘You are my child, the beloved; with you I am well pleased.
With my love and prayers