New CAP Freshstart course starting Tuesday 3rd October 2023

New CAP Freshstart course starting Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Tackle a Life-Controlling Habit ? 

If you, or anyone you know, wants to tackle a life-controlling habit such as smoking, gambling, over-eating, internet or social media addiction, shopping addiction, binge drinking, pornography, soft drugs, etc. – try Fresh Start. It’s a free 9-week course, based on principles from the Bible and the 12-steps-of-recovery process, backed by 1-to-1 coaching and a support group of others wanting to tackle their dependencies.

A new Fresh Start course begins on Tuesday 3td October, 10:00-11:30 am at Alton Maltings, led by experienced Fresh Start coaches Ann and Ruth.  It’s free and completely confidential.  To enquire or sign up, call Mark Rumsby on 07769 030913 or email