News (Page 12)

Alton Foodbank Update

Alton Foodbank are continuing to work hard to keep families in Alton fed. They are currently doing “drop off”  parcels rather than working through the distribution centre. 53 families were helped last week.  Any food donations (except sardines please) are welcome, especially pasta, UHT milk and bars of chocolate (not sweets).  Please use the drop off boxes at Waitrose or Sainsburys . Many thanks

POTR on YouTube

Because our churches have sadly had to temporarily close, we are looking at other ways to connect, communicate and worship with you. One of the ways we are now reaching you is through YouTube. If you have not already seen one of our videos, search for POTR Alton on YouTube to see our clergy preaching, praying and worshipping. We hope you enjoy these videos. Like and subscribe! Here is the latest one Revd Andrew’s ‘Thought for the Day’

Candles of Hope in your window

A sign of God’s hope. Light in the darkness. Why not do the same this evening? The light of God is never extinguished. You never know it might just catch on…why stop with just this evening? Let’s do it every evening and take time out to pray and find some peace in these uncertain times.

Traidcraft Delivery Service

Traidcraft Delivery Service? ?. Jo will deliver Traidcraft items across the Parish. She has the usual goods people are familiar with, in addition she has soap bars, liquid soap, toilet rolls, kitchen towel, pasta. If you have access to the internet you can browse Traidcraft and providing an item is in stock Jo can order it. Alternatively Jo can pop a catalogue through your door. Jo can be contacted on 01420 87680, 07980 371034 or Traidcraft

COVID 19 – Coronavirus update 18th March

Due to the risks surrounding COVID 19 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have suspended all Public Worship in our churches.  The churches of The Parish of the Resurrection will remain open during the day  as places of prayer, reflection and peace – available for anyone to use.  Please keep to the social distancing guidelines in the buildings. Resources for prayer, Bible Reading and sermons will be made available on this website and through our social media outlets weekly.  Please…

Call for National Day of Prayer and Action – 22nd March 7pm Light a Candle

In this joint article published in the Daily Mail and the Yorkshire Post today, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York call for a National Day of Prayer and Action in response to the coronavirus pandemic.  We are good in this country at holding our nerve and steadying one another. But a pandemic is something else; you can’t touch the virus, see it or even know where it is. It may be spread by those who don’t even know they are…

Coronavirus Update – 17th March 2020

We have been monitoring the situation with the Coronavirus and have sadly decided to cancel a few events that were due to take place in the next few weeks. The following will no longer be running: (updated 17th March) Lent Talks (The Nail lent talk at All Saints and Hope Lent Series 2020 at the Methodist) The Preparing for Dying Workshop with Peta Sutherland and Gill Thorne on Thursday 19th Teddies Toddler Groups Lent Lunches Holybourne Coffee Morning but there…

Teddies Groups Cancelled until further notice

Because of the Coronavirus it has been decided to temporarily cancel Teddies groups until further notice. Please pass this message to anyone you know who would attend. We shall our miss our sessions but we will be back as soon as we can for more fun, craft and tea. Please see websites and social media for updates.

Coronavirus Advice

We are following the Church of England’s guidance and we will only offer Holy Communion in one kind.  The bread/wafers will be available for the whole congregation and the wine for use by the clergy presiding only.  We will ensure that hands are washed and that we use hand sanitisers.  During the peace there is to be no handshaking or physical touch only a verbal greeting.