11am – Singing rehearsal St L
Alison Stickland

7pm Home Group Leaders training (HR)
Gordon will be offering some help, encouragement and training aimed at those who lead a Home Group or anyone who is considering leading a Home Group or who would like to find out a little bit more about Home Groups. This will be a relaxed and informal gathering with plenty of opportunities for participation and discussion. We will begin at 7 pm to close by 9 pm. The aim is to equip people to become effective leaders of a home…

4pm Church@4 at St Lawrence CE Primary School
We look at the story of the paralysed man. Come and join us for games, songs, craft and worship. We will be serving tea and cake before the service and Tim’s famous scones. See you there. Every 2nd and 4th Sunday at St Lawrence School

7.45pm – CONTEMPLATION AND CONVERSATION prayer session at Alton Maltings
Led by Peter Brown 07890 067198

9am St Lawrence Monthly Market at the Parish Centre
Come along and grab a bargain. Bric-a-brac, puzzles, books, games and lots more with refreshments and bacon butties.