Past Events (Page 108)

The Bible Course – 7.30pm

This is an 8 week course written by The Bible Society to help people understand the Bible and see the big picture storyline. Each session is made up of video clips, discussion and prayer. We will be leading this over Zoom. Watch Andrew Micklefield’s midweek encouragement here to find out all about the course. 1. Introducing the Bible 2. Creation & Covenant 3. Exodus & Promised Land 4. Judges & Kings 5. Exile & Prophets 6. Jesus & the Gospels…

Church@4 All Age Service

This week we are at Holy Rood Church in Holybourne at 4pm – please book in. We are looking forward to seeing you.

8pm Organ Concert with Claudia Grinnell

Preceded by rehearsal in afternoon. 2pm – 5pm Concert from 8pm. Covid 19 precautions will apply including observing social distancing and booking ahead of the concert at Admission is £10 payable on the night at the door. For further details contact Tony Willman – or 07928 516052.