Past Events (Page 109)

8pm Organ Concert

Richard Pearce (Concert Organist, pianist, Choral Director) will be performing. Please see The Organ Society website for more information. Admission: £10.00 at the door or Season membership at £60 for all eight concerts (special concessionary rates for school/college students)

8.30am Men’s Breakfast at the White Hart Pub in Holybourne

We will be meeting again at the White Hart pub in Holybourne at 8.30am on Saturday 29th January for a delicious ‘full English’ breakfast, all for just £9. Our speaker this month will be Mark Rumsby talking about Martin Luther. Please reply by email to to Tim Codling on or telephone him on 01420 80388 by Wednesday 26th January

4pm Church@4 at St Lawrence CE Primary School

We look at the story of ‘Catching the fish’. Come and join us for games, songs, craft and worship. See you there. Every 2nd and 4th Sunday at St Lawrence School