10.30am The Lighthouse in the Parish Centre
Sunday group for children to worship, sing, enjoy craft and pray. In the Parish Centre every Sunday at 10.30am

4pm Church@4 at St Lawrence CE Primary School
We look at the story of ‘Turning water into wine’. Come and join us for games, songs, craft and worship. This week unfortunately we cannot serve refreshments. We also kindly ask for over 11s to wear facemasks (unless exempt), to take a lateral flow test if possible and not to come if you are experiencing any Covid symptoms. See you there. Every 2nd and 4th Sunday at St Lawrence School

Holybourne Teddies 9.45am
Please note new starting time of 9.45am

4pm Crib Service at St Lawrence
A lovely service for the family to hear the story of Christmas

Prayer 20:20
Each month the churches of Alton take time to pray together for the opportunities of mission and ministry in our town and surrounding area. This started in 2020 under the initiative 20:20 prayer. We meet on the 20th day of each month, at 20:20 (8.20pm) for 20 minutes. We decided to continue this through 2021 too. Therefore we meet today – 8.20pm – for 20 minutes. The log in details are: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/509547624?pwd=bUpPbnl1NUlyVlVKNWl1SHJHMXBqQT09 Meeting ID: 509 547 624…