Past Events (Page 115)

Tearfund Service

We are streaming the Tearfund Service for Climate Change in St Lawrence Church at 6pm on Sunday 7th November – please do come along. The service is led by Pete Greig (from The Prayer Course, Carol Ng`ang`ga and Celtic Worship. Refreshments will be available afterwards.

Church@4 All Age Family Service

Everybody welcome to join this fun all age Church@4 service with crafts, singing, activities, a short talk and lots of cake and refreshment 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at St Lawrence Primary School  

Zoom Prayer morning

A time to come together to pray. Please join us. Topic: POTR Prayer Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting 10am-11am Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 886 7857 5981 Passcode: 014559

7pm Meet and Eat at Holy Rood – women’s group for Fun and Fellowship

Craft evening at Holybourne Church from 7pm with cake and hot drinks. Do come along! Please do chat to Kathy Norkett at All Saints, Sarah Neish at Beech, Ruth Randall at Holybourne, Elspeth Mackeggie Gurney and Alison Parr at St. Lawrence about the group. If you would like to be added to the distribution list or need any further information just email Lyn Baines at