Past Events (Page 116)

Good Friday Hot Cross Buns and Chat on Zoom

Please bring your Hot Cross Buns and coffee and join us for a chat over Zoom. We can’t be with you in person but we can see each other and share conversation on this very special day of Holy Week.   Hot Cross Buns & Chat Invitation – Good Friday Topic: Parish of the Resurrection – Hot Cross Bun & Chat – Good Friday Time: Apr 10, 2020 11:00 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 508 834 708…

Maundy Thursday Prayer Meeting on Zoom

We traditionally meet to pray on Maundy Thursday. As this is not possible, we shall meet via a Zoom meeting instead. If you have not used Zoom before, just click on the link and you will be able to join the meeting. You may need to download the app if you are on a tablet or mobile. Topic: Parish of the Resurrection – Maundy Thursday Prayer Meeting Time: Apr 9, 2020 04:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID:…

Maundy Thursday Prayer Meeting on Zoom

We traditionally meet to pray on Maundy Thursday. As this is not possible, we shall meet via a Zoom meeting instead. If you have not used Zoom before, just click on the link and you will be able to join the meeting. You may need to download the app if you are on a tablet or mobile. Topic: Parish of the Resurrection – Maundy Thursday Prayer Meeting Time: Apr 9, 2020 04:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID:…

Zoom Coffee Morning

We are hosting another Zoom coffee morning – come and join us. Grab a coffee (and maybe some cake) sign in and have a chat. Here are the login details. Coffee Morning Invitation – Tuesday Topic: Parish of the Resurrection Coffee Morning Time: Apr 7, 2020 10:00 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 448 093 132 Password: 038782

Zoom Coffee Morning

We are hosting another Zoom coffee morning – come and join us. Grab a coffee (and maybe some cake) sign in and have a chat. Here are the login details. Coffee Morning Invitation – Tuesday Topic: Parish of the Resurrection Coffee Morning Time: Apr 7, 2020 10:00 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 448 093 132 Password: 038782

Zoom hosted POTR Coffee Morning

If you have never used Zoom it is really easy. Go to and download it and then you can set up meetings with others or join arranged meetings with others. We will be having a coffee ‘meeting’ so on Tuesday at 10:00am grab a coffee and maybe a slice of cake and click on the link that we shall email you. The link will contain a password and you can then join the virtual coffee morning. It’s great fun. You…

Zoom hosted POTR Coffee Morning

If you have never used Zoom it is really easy. Go to and download it and then you can set up meetings with others or join arranged meetings with others. We will be having a coffee ‘meeting’ so on Tuesday at 10:00am grab a coffee and maybe a slice of cake and click on the link that we shall email you. The link will contain a password and you can then join the virtual coffee morning. It’s great fun. You…

Parish Conversation – POSTPONED

After the previous successful Parish Conversation in January we hold another one on Saturday 21st March between 10am and 11am in All Saints Church.  We will be looking at some of our congregational statistics to help us think about future patterns of service, where we concentrate our time and efforts and to celebrate much of what we do across the parish.  The statistics which have already been shared and discussed with The Ministry Team and the PCC are available to…

Parish Conversation – POSTPONED

After the previous successful Parish Conversation in January we hold another one on Saturday 21st March between 10am and 11am in All Saints Church.  We will be looking at some of our congregational statistics to help us think about future patterns of service, where we concentrate our time and efforts and to celebrate much of what we do across the parish.  The statistics which have already been shared and discussed with The Ministry Team and the PCC are available to…

Prepare for Dying Workshop – POSTPONED

Afternoon workshop with Gill Thorne of Kemp and Stevens to help with understanding what we need to do to prepare for dying. 2.30 – 4.00 pm. Galilee Chapel St. Lawrence. Contact Peta Sutherland for more information 01420 84149

Prepare for Dying Workshop – POSTPONED

Afternoon workshop with Gill Thorne of Kemp and Stevens to help with understanding what we need to do to prepare for dying. 2.30 – 4.00 pm. Galilee Chapel St. Lawrence. Contact Peta Sutherland for more information 01420 84149