Past Events (Page 118)

The Lighthouse

Whilst you worship in church, your children can worship at The Lighthouse. We start at the Parish Centre, next to St Lawrence Church at 10.30am. At the end of the session, the children will be brought back to church to enjoy the last part of the service. All children aged between 0 – 11 are welcome. We will be enjoying craft, singing songs and doing fun activities whilst learning about Jesus and the Bible. The Lighthouse will be open on…

Ladies Meet and Eat at Holy Rood Church

Meet and Eat – women’s group for Fun and Fellowship  We have Alastair and Sandra Smith from MAF – Mission Aviation Fellowship coming to give a talk to us at Holybourne Church from 7pm. We will be serving a selection or puddings and hot drinks. Please do chat to Kathy Norkett at All Saints, Sarah Neish at Beech, Ruth Randall at Holybourne, Elspeth Mackeggie Gurney and Alison Parr at St. Lawrence about the group. If you would like to be…

6pm – Informal Evening Service at St Lawrence Church and on Zoom

This will be a time of worship, celebration and reflection. We are following a series “Dare to be Different – Aspects of Holiness.” Everyone is welcome. Why not bring a guest? This week we are hybrid. Bruce will be streaming the service on Zoom so we join from home or attend in person – your choice! Click here to join