Past Events (Page 127)

Church@4 All Age Service

This week we are at Holy Rood Church in Holybourne at 4pm – please book in. We are looking forward to seeing you.

8pm Organ Concert with Claudia Grinnell

Preceded by rehearsal in afternoon. 2pm – 5pm Concert from 8pm. Covid 19 precautions will apply including observing social distancing and booking ahead of the concert at Admission is £10 payable on the night at the door. For further details contact Tony Willman – or 07928 516052.

Meet and Eat in Person!

Meet and Eat – women’s group for fun and fellowship. We  will be meeting in person on Monday 7th June, meeting at 6pm for a walk around Holybourne, ending with a picnic in the vicarage garden. Please bring your own picnic, Ruth has kindly offered to provide hot and cold drinks. If you would like to come or for further information  please email me Lyn Baines

Christian Aid Prayer Chain 10am to 5pm

Prayer morning dedicated to Climate Justice led by the Parish of the Resurrection Eco Church team. Many ways to join us in prayer. You can join the Prayer Morning Zoom meeting here  at 10am Meeting ID: 886 7857 5981 Passcode: 014559. If you are unable to attend these events, we have these simple prayer resources for you to use at home. Prayer resources and Prayer pointers

Informal Evening Service on Zoom

We also have the Evening Informal Service on Zoom at 6pm. We will look at the final chapter of the book of Philippians. Please join us with the Zoom information: Meeting ID: 857 3988 3699 Passcode: 642862 The order of service is available here