Informal Evening Service
A chance for worship, prayer and teaching led this week by Andrew and Gordon. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88404018107?pwd=SnJZaHVPUHVpRTczMHEyeEo2eU03Zz09 Meeting ID: 884 0401 8107 Passcode: 514903 Click here for the order of service.
Church@4 on Zoom
Church @4 is back every other Sunday afternoon at 4pm on Zoom. It will last for around 30 minutes and will be led by Martha, our Children, Youth and Families worker. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81941371951?pwd=cTZiMWprRXV6ZkpYTjNjcWJsc3JQQT09 Meeting ID: 819 4137 1951 Passcode: POTR1234

Nativity/Crib Service on Zoom – Christmas Eve 4pm
We plan on holding a zoom crib service with carols, prayers and a story. If you want to come along you will need the Zoom details. Please email potrcribservice@gmail.com and you will be sent them before Christmas Eve. A traditional start to your Christmas!
Prayer 20:20 on Zoom
The Alton Ministers were introduced to Prayer 20:20 – a time to pray that will give many opportunities to speak about Christ. We are meeting together to pray for 20 minutes on the 20th of the month at 20:20pm. We’d love to see you – everyone is welcome! Andrew https://us02web.zoom.us/j/509547624?pwd=bUpPbnl1NUlyVIVKNWl1SHJHMXBqQT09 Meeting ID: 509 547 624 Passcode: 010543

2pm Private booking
Private booking (Waverley Singers) – not open to the public

Organ Concert – David Poulter
You will need to book a seat before the concert so that we can plan seating and keep a record of who attends. Send a message via the contact page or directly to this email address – familyhowe@talktalk.net – and they will reserve you a seat. Those who have paid for season membership will automatically have their seats reserved

Ladies Meet and Eat Zoom Christmas evening
More information soon
Holybourne Church@4 – Christingle on Zoom
Collect your Christingle bags from Holybourne Vicarage, 7 Church Lane on Saturday 5th December. The Zoom invitation will be in the bag!
St Lawrence Church@4 – Christingle on Zoom
Collect your Christingle bags from St Lawrence Vicarage (the side passageway) on Saturday 5th December. The Zoom invitation will be in the bag!