Past Events (Page 131)

Informal Evening Service

The Theme is Psalm 118 and Remembrance. Everyone is welcome and the Zoom invitation is: Topic: POTR Informal Evening Service Time: Nov 8, 2020 18:00 London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 884 4741 3874 Passcode: 873321 Zoom Informal Evening Service for the POTR

Alpha Online – on Zoom

The online meetings will take place from 7.30pm on Thursday evenings. The sessions explore the basics of Christian faith and are open to everyone. Please email us on to sign up or ask any questions. Would you come and invite a friend too?

Organ Concert – Jane Watts playing at St Lawrence Church

You will need to book a seat before the concert so that we can plan seating and keep a record of who attends. Send them a message via the Alton Organ society contact page or directly to this email address – – and they will reserve you a seat. Those who have paid for season membership will automatically have their seats reserved

Organ Practise

Jane Watts rehearsal for Tuesday’s Concert

Holy Communion – St Lawrence

If you would like to attend Holy Communion you will need to book a place for you, and any family members who live with you who wish to attend. Please contact Philippa, via email ( to reserve your place. If you cannot use email, and would prefer to telephone, please contact the churchwarden or the Focal Minister of the church you would like to attend (Ministry Team phone numbers can be found on the website). On arrival at church you will be welcomed by a…

Alton Walking Church for Men (and family)

Venue: The French Horn, Alton Theme: Sacrificial living [Invitation to this walk is extended to family and friends, to a maximum of 24, in groups of 6] To book a place contact me on 07957 653403 or, who will confirm your booking. You may join us as many or as few times as you wish. Early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.