Zoom Prayer meeting
POTR Prayer Meeting Time: Oct 24, 2020 10:00 AM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83075540762?pwd=eWE5RkhrV2pvOTJBa0tFRjFabzVEUT09 Meeting ID: 830 7554 0762 Passcode: 738778

Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Zoom
We are reviewing 2019 with our short reports and financial accounts. We elect churchwardens, to the PCC and Deanery Synod. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89739925948?pwd=eENoTTBEazFlQUJxVDVzM0RtUmtTdz09 Meeting ID: 897 3992 5948 Passcode: 666692

Funeral – St Lawrence
Raymond Harris

Funeral at St Lawrence
Donald Copping

Online Prayer Meeting
Do join us to pray for the churches, our community and the world. Here’s the Zoom info. Topic: POTR Prayer Meeting Time: Oct 17, 2020 10:00 London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89745010317?pwd=NW8zV1pFMDNyMW9TRks2Q09adWFNdz09 Meeting ID: 897 4501 0317 Passcode: 915077
Alton Walking Church for Men
Venue: The Hawkley Inn Theme: The invisible church To book a place contact me on 07957 653403 or familykemp@tiscali.co.uk, who will confirm your booking. You may join us as many or as few times as you wish. Early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.

Funeral at Holy Rood
John Chaplin

Family Scavenger Hunt
For families particularly (but we wouldn’t stop anyone joining in) there will be the Big Harvest Scavenger Hunt on the afternoon of Sunday 11th October. Nearer the time we will distribute a list of items to collect on a Sunday afternoon walk/ ramble and ask that you don your walking shoes and go off and find them. There will be people outside St Lawrence Church and The Church of the Holy Rood to greet you at the end of your…