Parish Conversation – POSTPONED
After the previous successful Parish Conversation in January we hold another one on Saturday 21st March between 10am and 11am in All Saints Church. We will be looking at some of our congregational statistics to help us think about future patterns of service, where we concentrate our time and efforts and to celebrate much of what we do across the parish. The statistics which have already been shared and discussed with The Ministry Team and the PCC are available to…

Parish Conversation – POSTPONED
After the previous successful Parish Conversation in January we hold another one on Saturday 21st March between 10am and 11am in All Saints Church. We will be looking at some of our congregational statistics to help us think about future patterns of service, where we concentrate our time and efforts and to celebrate much of what we do across the parish. The statistics which have already been shared and discussed with The Ministry Team and the PCC are available to…

Prepare for Dying Workshop – POSTPONED
Afternoon workshop with Gill Thorne of Kemp and Stevens to help with understanding what we need to do to prepare for dying. 2.30 – 4.00 pm. Galilee Chapel St. Lawrence. Contact Peta Sutherland for more information 01420 84149

Prepare for Dying Workshop – POSTPONED
Afternoon workshop with Gill Thorne of Kemp and Stevens to help with understanding what we need to do to prepare for dying. 2.30 – 4.00 pm. Galilee Chapel St. Lawrence. Contact Peta Sutherland for more information 01420 84149
Time for a Cuppa – Dementia UK tea party at St Lawrence Church
This worthwhile charity are holding a tea party to raise money for dementia specialist nurses. Come along for a cuppa and a chat. Donations welcome but entry is free.
Time for a Cuppa – Dementia UK tea party at St Lawrence Church
This worthwhile charity are holding a tea party to raise money for dementia specialist nurses. Come along for a cuppa and a chat. Donations welcome but entry is free.

St Lawrence Monthly Market
Monthly market in the Parish Centre. Lots of bargains and refreshments available

St Lawrence Monthly Market
Monthly market in the Parish Centre. Lots of bargains and refreshments available

Ladies Meet and Eat – taking place at Holy Rood Church
Group for women of the parish who meet monthly. Our next session includes a talk by Dementia Friends with refreshments and a time to ask questions. Please contact/ speak to Ruth Randall or Lyn Baines. lynda.baines@btinternet.com

Ladies Meet and Eat – taking place at Holy Rood Church
Group for women of the parish who meet monthly. Our next session includes a talk by Dementia Friends with refreshments and a time to ask questions. Please contact/ speak to Ruth Randall or Lyn Baines. lynda.baines@btinternet.com

Eco Church Fairtrade Bake Off competition
Fairtrade Bake Off – there is to be a Fairtrade Bake Off competition on Saturday 29th February from 10am to 12.30pm in the Parish Centre. There will be classes for everyone to enter and prizes for the winners! See the Eco Church section of the website for full details POTR Eco Church Bake off . So practice your baking skills & join in on the 29th!

Eco Church Fairtrade Bake Off competition
Fairtrade Bake Off – there is to be a Fairtrade Bake Off competition on Saturday 29th February from 10am to 12.30pm in the Parish Centre. There will be classes for everyone to enter and prizes for the winners! See the Eco Church section of the website for full details POTR Eco Church Bake off . So practice your baking skills & join in on the 29th!