Harvest at St Peter’s Church, Beech
The Church will be open on Saturday 12th October between 3-5pm when flowers and produce will be on display. Tea and cake will be served and there will be activities for children. There will be a special Harvest Communion the day after on Sunday 13th October at 9.15am led by Revd Lynn Power.

Harvest at St Peter’s Church, Beech
The Church will be open on Saturday 12th October between 3-5pm when flowers and produce will be on display. Tea and cake will be served and there will be activities for children. There will be a special Harvest Communion the day after on Sunday 13th October at 9.15am led by Revd Lynn Power.

Men’s Breakfast
At White Hart Holybourne A delicious full English Breakfast fro £8. Speaker – Robin Kemp – on being a Mission Champion All bookings to Tim Codling – tim.codling@hotmail.co.uk or 01420 80388 by Wednesday 25th September

Men’s Breakfast
At White Hart Holybourne A delicious full English Breakfast fro £8. Speaker – Robin Kemp – on being a Mission Champion All bookings to Tim Codling – tim.codling@hotmail.co.uk or 01420 80388 by Wednesday 25th September

GAP Ladies Lunch
12pm Alton House Hotel To book contact Norma Duke 01420 84722

GAP Ladies Lunch
12pm Alton House Hotel To book contact Norma Duke 01420 84722

Lunchtime Organ Concert
Guest Organist – Brian Cotterill Admission Free Refreshments from 12.30pm Retiring Collection for St Lawrence Church Organ Restoration Fund

Lunchtime Organ Concert
Guest Organist – Brian Cotterill Admission Free Refreshments from 12.30pm Retiring Collection for St Lawrence Church Organ Restoration Fund

Alton All Saints Hard of Hearing Group invite friends to join them for a light Afternoon Tea. 3rd Sunday of the month Home-made cakes and chat Please contact 83514 for transport.

Alton All Saints Hard of Hearing Group invite friends to join them for a light Afternoon Tea. 3rd Sunday of the month Home-made cakes and chat Please contact 83514 for transport.