Funeral for Mrs Joan Hedges
We are very sorry to hear of the death of Joan Hedges a well-loved member of the All Saints congregation but well known throughout the parish. She was the widow of Revd Dennis Hedges who in his retirement helped out in local churches. Her funeral service will be on Tuesday 22nd January at 11am in All Saints Church Alton – all are very welcome to attend.

Funeral for Mrs Joan Hedges
We are very sorry to hear of the death of Joan Hedges a well-loved member of the All Saints congregation but well known throughout the parish. She was the widow of Revd Dennis Hedges who in his retirement helped out in local churches. Her funeral service will be on Tuesday 22nd January at 11am in All Saints Church Alton – all are very welcome to attend.

Alton Organ Society
Tuesday 8th January, 8pm David Hill (International Choral Director and Organist) Admission £10 Further details from Tony Willman o1420 543628 or tony.willman@mac.com

Alton Organ Society
Tuesday 8th January, 8pm David Hill (International Choral Director and Organist) Admission £10 Further details from Tony Willman o1420 543628 or tony.willman@mac.com

Funeral for Revd Ian Toombs
We are saddened by the death of one of the members of our Ministry Team, and a great friend to many in the parish and beyond. Ian’s funeral service will be on Friday 4th January at 1pm in St Lawrence Church Alton. All are very welcome to attend. This will be preceded by a short service of Holy Communion for close friends and family at 10.30am in St Lawrence Church.

Funeral for Revd Ian Toombs
We are saddened by the death of one of the members of our Ministry Team, and a great friend to many in the parish and beyond. Ian’s funeral service will be on Friday 4th January at 1pm in St Lawrence Church Alton. All are very welcome to attend. This will be preceded by a short service of Holy Communion for close friends and family at 10.30am in St Lawrence Church.

Sunday 30th December
Just two services for you to choose from on this Sunday after Christmas: 8am, Book of Common Prayer Communion in St Lawrence Church or 10am, Morning Worship in Alton Methodist Church

Sunday 30th December
Just two services for you to choose from on this Sunday after Christmas: 8am, Book of Common Prayer Communion in St Lawrence Church or 10am, Morning Worship in Alton Methodist Church

Jigsaw Drop-in
Do come along – make up some jigsaws, make some new friends, have some refreshments.

Jigsaw Drop-in
Do come along – make up some jigsaws, make some new friends, have some refreshments.