Past Events (Page 148)

Meet and Eat – a group for women of the Parish for fun, food and fellowship

Next meeting on Monday 6th August, meeting at The Swan Hotel in town for a town walk followed by a meal back in The Swan. Monday 3rd September, the meeting will be at the home of Sarah Neish, Old Park Farm in Beech (the home of Jardinique – opposite Alton Abbey). Walk from Old Park Farm followed by a ‘bring and share’ supper.   More information from Lyn Baines (  

Summer Messy Church

Monday 6th August – 2-4pm Alton Methodist Church A summer holiday seaside themed ‘Messy Church’ at Alton Methodist Church for children accompanied by parent/carer as a GAP project.  There will be games, crafts, stories, songs and all this followed by a time to eat. For children aged 3-11 years). Do come alton – you will be made very welcome!

Summer Messy Church

Monday 6th August – 2-4pm Alton Methodist Church A summer holiday seaside themed ‘Messy Church’ at Alton Methodist Church for children accompanied by parent/carer as a GAP project.  There will be games, crafts, stories, songs and all this followed by a time to eat. For children aged 3-11 years). Do come alton – you will be made very welcome!

GAP Ladies Lunch

Wednesday 27th June, 12noon for 12.30pm At The Alton House Hotel Please contact Joan Hedges 542624 or Elizabeth Dain 89062    

GAP Ladies Lunch

Wednesday 27th June, 12noon for 12.30pm At The Alton House Hotel Please contact Joan Hedges 542624 or Elizabeth Dain 89062    

Lunchtime Organ Recital

Thursday 21st June, 1.10pm – Will Nisbet Admission is free, refreshments available from 12.30pm. Retiring Collection for St Lawrence Organ Restoration Fund

Lunchtime Organ Recital

Thursday 21st June, 1.10pm – Will Nisbet Admission is free, refreshments available from 12.30pm. Retiring Collection for St Lawrence Organ Restoration Fund