Past Events (Page 156)

Beetle Drive

In aid of St Peter’s Church  Beech Fabric Fund. Wednesday 19th April, 7pm in All Saints Church Hall. Admission £3 including refreshments. Raffle too!

Rule of Life Workshop

We are hosting a Rule of Workshop on Monday 10th April.  If you are coming you need to sign up by sending an email to  We encourage you to attend.  See the leaflet below.

Rule of Life Workshop

We are hosting a Rule of Workshop on Monday 10th April.  If you are coming you need to sign up by sending an email to  We encourage you to attend.  See the leaflet below.

Organ Concert

The latest in this season. Guest organist is Peter Wright, organist and Director of Music at Southwark Cathedral.

Organ Concert

The latest in this season. Guest organist is Peter Wright, organist and Director of Music at Southwark Cathedral.