Mothering Sunday Service
Sunday 26th March is Mothering Sunday and we will be celebrating together as The Greater Alton Project (Anglicans and Methodists) with a united 10.30am service at All Saints Church. This will be an all-age communion led by David and Andrew. There will be 8am services at both St Lawrence and All Saints but no other morning services in the other churches. St Peter’s in Beech will be holding a Songs of Praise Service at 4pm.

Mothering Sunday Service
Sunday 26th March is Mothering Sunday and we will be celebrating together as The Greater Alton Project (Anglicans and Methodists) with a united 10.30am service at All Saints Church. This will be an all-age communion led by David and Andrew. There will be 8am services at both St Lawrence and All Saints but no other morning services in the other churches. St Peter’s in Beech will be holding a Songs of Praise Service at 4pm.

Sunday afternoon Tea with friends All Saints Church Hall, 3pm Come over and chat with tea and cakes. An opportunity for some of our regular church members to welcome and get to know some invited friends.

Sunday afternoon Tea with friends All Saints Church Hall, 3pm Come over and chat with tea and cakes. An opportunity for some of our regular church members to welcome and get to know some invited friends.

Anna Chaplaincy Sponsored Walk
Organised by Alton All Saints Hard of Hearing Group to raise awareness and funds to be held around Alton Public Gardens. Get your sponsorship forms from the back of all our churches and get going!

Anna Chaplaincy Sponsored Walk
Organised by Alton All Saints Hard of Hearing Group to raise awareness and funds to be held around Alton Public Gardens. Get your sponsorship forms from the back of all our churches and get going!

Women’s World Day of Prayer
This year’s service has been written by the Christian women of the Philippines and in Alton it will be held at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Normandy Street, starting at 2pm. The theme is ‘Am I being unfair to you?’ Do go along and support.

Place for Space
We had a great time worshipping and praying together last month – so come along and join us for Space for Place in St Lawrence Church on Sunday 5th March at 6.30pm. This is a time to pray for our parish life, the world and the things of our heart. We worship, pray interactively and end with some simple liturgy. The list of prayer intentions will continue to appear in Parish Matters and I encourage you to use these in…

Women’s World Day of Prayer
This year’s service has been written by the Christian women of the Philippines and in Alton it will be held at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Normandy Street, starting at 2pm. The theme is ‘Am I being unfair to you?’ Do go along and support.