Past Events (Page 22)

1pm Regency Week Lunchtime Organ concert (St L)

Will Nisbet, our organist at St Lawrence Church, will also be giving a lunchtime Organ Concert on Thursday 27th June at 1.10pm. Refreshments from 12.30pm. Free to attend with a retiring collection on aid of POTR

6.30pm Regency Choral Evensong at St Lawrence Church

Come and enjoy a traditional Choral Evensong, with the added twist of a Regency theme. Sunday 23rd June at St Lawrence Church. Doors open at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start. Many people, including the choir and the congregation will be in costume, so if you would like to dress up, we encourage it. Free event, no need to book. For other fun events during Jane Austen’s Alton Regency Week, see their dedicated website.