9.30am School Visit
Amery Hill
7pm Alpha Course at the Community Centre
Every Wednesday evening at the Alton Community Centre from 7pm, we will join for a delicious meal, watch a video and then discuss the video. It’s free of charge and there is no pressure – we offer an open informal space to chat and ask questions. Please let us know at altonplusalpha@gmail.com to book your place. We look forward to seeing you there.
1.30pm School Visit St Lawrence
Amery Hill – Luke Millard
9.30am School Visit at St Lawrence Church
WB with Wootey Juniors
6.30pm Meet and Eat group (HR)
Meet and Eat – women’s group for Fun and Fellowship Please contact Lyn Baines if you would like to attend meetandeat@btinternet.com
6pm Advent Carol Service at St Lawrence Church
Advent Sunday!