Past Events (Page 83)

7pm Ladies Meet & Eat at Holy Rood Church

Meet and Eat – women’s group for Fun and Fellowship Next Meet and Eat is on Monday 6th February at 7pm in Holy Rood when Martin East is our speaker. Martin will be speaking about his life as an RAF pilot, and of his conversion to faith and his subsequent ordained ministry. There will be a time for questions and time to chat to each other with a drinks and cakes                   …

9am St Lawrence Monthly Market

Come along and pick up a bargain. A huge amount of bric-a-brac, puzzles, books, local produce with refreshments available.

8.30am Men’s Breakfast at the White Hart Holybourne

Men’s Breakfast We will be meeting again at the White Hart public house, Holybourne at 8.30am on Saturday 28th January for our usual delicious ‘full English’ breakfast, all for just £10. Come and enjoy some lively banter and listen to our excellent speaker, the Revd Bruce Nicole, who will be talking to us about Camino & long distance walks. Please reply to Tim Codling by email: or telephone him on 01420 80388 by Wednesday 25th January