“Christian stewardship” is the conviction that every day we should address the direction of our lives and management of ourselves, and recognise that all we have and the world we live in belongs to God. As such, we interpret stewardship broadly to encompass all the resources, talents and properties that are given to our care. The ministry area of Stewardship includes not only the annual stewardship campaign and planned giving, but the care of our grounds and buildings as well.
As Christians we are called to give back to God a portion of the gifts and blessings that God has given each of us. We call this Christian stewardship. The Parish of the Resurrection is a parish that supports many ministries – Ministry in the many retirement homes, Chaplancy in the 6th form college, Outreach & Wider Mission, Youth work, Parish & Community Life, Pastoral Care, Stewardship and Worship & Music – each made possible through the generous annual pledges and gifts from our parishioners.
Our planned giving scheme allows the treasurer and PCC to plan our spending for the year ahead, and decide what we can do in the coming year, and what will need to be put on hold.
People often ask, “how much should I give”? The Christian answer is a proportion of your income (the Church of England suggests 5%). Each of us needs to look at our other spending, say on magazines and papers, coffee, meals out etc to get a balance as to where our priorities lie. This means that some will give considerably less, others considerably more. “Let each give according to his means as his heart tells him, neither grudgingly nor under compulsion”. The advantage of proportional giving is that as our income changes so does our giving, and that could be down as well as up.
To help you here is a table to show what this could mean
Take-home pay, (per week, after tax) | your weekly gift would be | ||
at10% | at 5% | at 2½% | |
£500 | £50 | £25 | £12.50 |
£350 | £35 | £17.50 | £8.75 |
£150 | £15 | £7.50 | £3.25 |
£100 | £10 | £5 | £2.50 |
Below are links to the planned giving forms. Please print and when completed return to the parish office in a sealed envelope marked “Stewardship Response”.
These are only seen by the stewardship secretary, and you can be assured that the information is confidential to the stewardship secretary.
If you are a taxpayer please complete a gift aid form so we can increase the value of your gift.
Thank you from the Stewardship team.