Posts by Admin (Page 13)

Coronavirus Update – 17th March 2020
We have been monitoring the situation with the Coronavirus and have sadly decided to cancel a few events that were due to take place in the next few weeks. The following will no longer be running: (updated 17th March) Lent Talks (The Nail lent talk at All Saints and Hope Lent Series 2020 at the Methodist) The Preparing for Dying Workshop with Peta Sutherland and Gill Thorne on Thursday 19th Teddies Toddler Groups Lent Lunches Holybourne Coffee Morning but there…

Teddies Groups Cancelled until further notice
Because of the Coronavirus it has been decided to temporarily cancel Teddies groups until further notice. Please pass this message to anyone you know who would attend. We shall our miss our sessions but we will be back as soon as we can for more fun, craft and tea. Please see websites and social media for updates.

Coronavirus Advice
We are following the Church of England’s guidance and we will only offer Holy Communion in one kind. The bread/wafers will be available for the whole congregation and the wine for use by the clergy presiding only. We will ensure that hands are washed and that we use hand sanitisers. During the peace there is to be no handshaking or physical touch only a verbal greeting.
Dementia Friends Donation – thank you to the Ladies’ Meet and Eat
further to our meeting in March we have been able to send a donation of £65 to Dementia Friends. Thank you for your support.

Easter Lillies at All Saints
Some people like to make a donation towards Easter Lilies in memory of a loved one. If you would like to make such a donation, please give it to Gwen Norkett. Thank you:
Fairtrade Fortnight – Traidcraft stall at St Lawrence 10.30am service
Come along and get your Traidcraft goodies – this rounds off the end of Fairtrade Fortnight.
Eco Church Bake off Traidcraft Ingredients
Additional Tradicraft Stall. For all bakers who are preparing to enter the Eco church Fair-trade Bake Off on Saturday 29th February there will be a Traidcraft stall on Sunday 23rd February. This will follow 10.30am communion at St Lawrence. Jo will have a variety of Fair trade ingredients including dried fruit for your fruit cake entries, jam for your Victoria sponges and cocoa, drinking chocolate and chocolate for the children’s cupcake and brownie entries. Alternatively contact Jo, 01420 87680 and…

Greeting Cards across the POTR – continuing throughout the year!
Greetings Cards – thank you for all the Christmas cards that were donated for recycling. Recycling Greetings cards will continue throughout the year – there will be a box in each church so please place your cards in these.
Alton Foodbank – update
In the last 3 months of 2019 the foodbank handled 162 vouchers (an increase of 51% on 2018) and fed 502 people (an increase of 59% on 2018). In the same period we are thankful for very generous donations to meet this need. Currently we need long life milk and orange and apple juice. Chocolate bars are also very much appreciated. Peter
CYC Quiz winner and answers revealed!
Thank you to all the people who supported the CYC by buying the Christmas Quiz. We have raised over £200. The winner was………………. Geraldine Dockrell! Well done Geraldine who managed to get all the answers correct. The answers can be found here 2019 quiz ANSWERS
Parenting for Faith – Volunteers needed!
This year we would like to run a course called Parenting for Faith which is designed to enable parents and children to talk about faith at home. The course will take place later this year during the summer months and I would like volunteers to help in the following ways: Greeters/refreshments; group leaders to lead discussions between and after the video tutorials; babysitters to enable those parents to be able to come to the sessions. All roles will require some…

Santa Run raised over £500 from POTR
Thank you to the teams that ran and to those who sponsored them. POTR raised over £500 for Home Start and we would like to thank each of you for your support