Posts by Admin (Page 7)

Prayer stations for CoP 26 between 1st and 12th November

Prayer during CoP 26 Even more than usual, your prayers for creation care are needed during CoP 26 – for the world leaders and delegates who are attending (and, possibly more importantly, those who have refused to attend). Prayer Stations have been installed in St Lawrence, Holy Rood and All Saints for the duration of the Conference for your private prayer – we hope you find them a useful focus.

It’s nearly time for the Living Advent Calendar again! Sign up here

It is only October but we need to organise this early so we can prepare a beautiful illuminated trail for everyone to enjoy. If you would like to volunteer to decorate your window on a day in December then please get in touch  For more information about what you are signing up for, please see our trail page here Let’s make this year’s trail bigger and brighter (if that’s posible) than last year! For inspiration, Google has a lot…

Traidcraft is back in Church!

Traidcraft stall After a very successful return to selling Traidcraft at St Lawrence Jo will be returning to a regular Fairtrade stall on the first Sunday of the month at St Lawrence after the 10.30am service. She will also be visiting Holy Rood, the first of these events will be Sunday 24th October after the 9.30am Harvest Service. There will be a range of Fairtrade food and non food items to buy and copies of the new seasons catalogue. Jo is…

 Climate Conference 8th October at the Maltings

Ahead of this year’s international COP26, East Hampshire will be hosting a climate conference of its own, focusing on the opportunities to take action locally to accelerate decarbonisation. The event, organised jointly by EHDC and Damian Hinds MP, will be held in Alton on 8 October at Alton Maltings. Lord Deben, the Chairman of the Climate Change Committee and former UK Environment Secretary, will be delivering the keynote speech. The event is free to attend and registration is already open. Anyone planning to attend the event can…

Listening Course on 18th October at Holy Rood

An Update from the Pastoral Team In a previous edition of Sunrise we mentioned that a small group of people have been meeting together to plan how to get a pastoral care team up and running again.   We have continued to meet since that time and are making progress!  Thank you so much for your prayers, support and encouragement. As mentioned before, the idea is that we will focus on supporting people as best we can whether they be young,…

The Library Club is back!

The popular LIBRARY CLUB  for seniors will be re – opening on MONDAY 4th October 2pm – 4 pm Please note the change of day from Wednesday to the first Monday each month, (except when there is a Bank Holiday). New members very welcome, come along for an interesting and sociable afternoon, with tea, coffee and biscuits, (and an opportunity to change your Library books). If you, or anyone you know, needs a lift please contact Peta Sutherland 84149 For…

Parish Conversation

Gordon and Andrew would like to invite you to two opportunities to come together both on Thursday 16th September 2.15pm in All Saints Church and 7.15pm at The Church of the Holy Rood. We want to look at congregational attendance figures, what we have experienced of worship during the pandemic and what future service patterns might need to be in the Parish as we go forward with the reorganisation across the Deanery. Papers are here: Congregation Statistics – for conversation in…

National Climate Sunday Service Sunday 5th September – free online tickets here

From  the Eco Church Team   Following our own Climate Sunday Service, there is to be a national Climate Sunday Service in Glasgow Cathedral on Sunday 5th September at 4pm. If you missed our Climate Sunday  service in July or want to join with people across the country to pray for the forthcoming CoP26 meeting, then you can use this link to book free tickets

Looking to the Future – A Report to the Congregation – July 2021

The PCC is thankful to the Futures Group for its work on providing some recommendations for the mission and ministry of the Parish.  At a meeting of the PCC on Saturday 26th June they presented a comprehensive report which was discussed in full.  At a subsequent meeting of the PCC on Tuesday 13th July the recommendations were adopted and are written in this document Looking to the Future This is gives direction for the parish and is not intended to…

Forget-me-not Service 2021 – a Dementia-friendly service

  You are welcome to join us for our annual Dementia-friendly Church Service at All Saints Church on the 4th August 2021 at 14.30. This is an annual service to also remember and support families and carers led by Revd Rachel Sturt, our Anna Chaplain for Older People. This will be followed by Friendship Tea at 15.15pm with music from Paul Tickner and a raffle. In line with social distancing rules, those attending can sit apart during the service and…

PCC report to congregations 27th June 2021 – Future’s Group Report

The Futures Group presented its report to a meeting of the PCC held yesterday. The PCC considered the recommendations made and is pleased to report that there were several recommendations that could be accepted immediately. These include the recommendations on services being led by both clergy & laity, an online offer continuing to be provided after the lifting of Covid restrictions and having one sermon theme across the parish. There was wide acceptance of the recommendation to develop a network…