Music features prominently at St Lawrence church both historically and currently. This includes a thriving 28 strong church choir, the Covenant Youth Choir 20+ and growing, the Organ Society about to start its 47th year of organ concerts and the West Gallery Band that leads the family services each 3rd Sunday.
St. Lawrence Church Choir
St Lawrence Church choir is responsible for leading the singing during church services while also developing and improving their own individual musical skills through the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) Voice for Life scheme.
Membership is open to anyone who can sing and has basic music reading ability. Many of the singers are members of other choirs or singing groups such as Alton Operatic & Drama Society (AODS), Cantique, Holybourne Singers, Waynflete and Waverley Singers.
The choir is also a friendly group of individuals who enjoy “extramural” social activities such as days out, parties etc. Members will also produce lighthearted music at informal church functions. The choir even has its very own Barbershop Quartets – “The Altones” (men) & “The Dulcet Tones” (women).
Choir members have achieved major successes in RSCM exams such as Deans/Bishops & Senior Bishops Awards.
Choir practice at St Lawrence church – Fridays 7.30-8.30 pm and Sundays 1000-1020. New members are always welcome.
Contact Director of Music Tony Willman – 01420 543628;; 079285 16052
West Gallery Band (WGB) leads the singing during the informal family service held every third Sunday. Led by Rich Curry the band welcomes new members who sing or play an instrument. The band rehearses 09:30 prior to the service.
Alton Organ Society
St. Lawrence church hosts the Alton Organ Society which organises annually eight organ concerts between Oct and May given by distinguished national/international organists. Admission is £10 per concert or £60 per season equivalent to £7.50 each concert.